Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What a picture - tape measure around the neck and pincushion on the hip

I have wanted to learn how to sew for years. In recent months, the ambition has grown. I mean, I love clothes and I love very particular clothes; it makes complete sense for me to learn how to make my own. However, difficulties abound: I don't own a sewing machine and I live with a baby (not mine) which makes having a sewing machine a little impractical anyway. That leaves going to my mom's house to learn to sew but then we have time constraints and I'm sort of imposing on her. Then there's the question of fabric. Sewing my own clothes always seems cheaper when I'm eying those $50+ dresses online. But buying the fabric can get pretty pricey. And I really know nothing about fabric so my mom will need to accompany me. You see? Sewing really involves a great deal of my mom's dedication besides my own.

But all of these are a bunch of excuses. My mom has offered to help me learn to sew. She has given me advice on what to look for in my first project. She's on board. Now, it's just a question of my dedication. This year, I've taken a small step towards finally achieving this goal by adding it to my list of New Year's resolutions. Woohoo! I want to learn to make a skirt and/or dress by the end of the year. It's only February. I have time.

I started perusing the patterns shops online, just for fun (it's really unnecessary to do so as my mom has hundreds of patterns in her closet). I discovered something in my search. Have you looked at vintage pattern covers? The artwork is fantastic! They kept showing photos along with artwork with modern type girls wearing these vintage dresses in what I found to be very unappealing fabrics. Give me the artwork any day. I'm sold! Check out these darling dresses/artwork:

Credits, clockwise from top left: Butterick, Vintage Vogue, Butterick, Vintage Vogue.
Do any of you make your own dresses? Any favorite brand? Any advice to an aspiring dress-maker?

1 comment:

  1. These are so darling, Sally! I especially love top left art and the two right patterns! I can see being inspired to learn to sew (unfortunately, I do not sew!) with these!


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