Sunday, February 21, 2010

Push the button, Max!

I have a few items to address today:

First things first, thank you to all who voted in last week's poll! In the Great Race poll, 6 people voted. 4 voted Professor Fate as their favorite Jack Lemmon character in the film and 2 voted for Prince Hapnik. So yay! Thank you for voting!

Second things second, thank you to all who guessed in the quote of the week! Everyone who guessed was correct - the quote was from Singin' in the Rain, spoken by Cosmo Brown to Don Lockwood regarding Lena Lamont. So, congratulations to Wendymoon, Emma, and Amanda for guessing correctly! I'm very excited about the quote of the week segment and I'm very encouraged by the response to the first one. Hooray!

Finally, I have a question. I watched Ball of Fire last night for the first time. Loved it! Gary Cooper was adorable and absolutely endearing, Barbara Stanwyck was sexy and amazing, and the professors were so much fun to watch! I'd been wanting to watch another Stanwyck film after seeing her in Christmas in Connecticut and this one was just as enjoyable as I hoped it would be! Now, my question regards Dana Andrews. I've seen him in State Fair but my experience with his acting is very limited. After seeing him in this movie... let's just say, I'm in love. (don't worry, I won't try to steal him away from anyone) As I mentioned in my last bid for advice, the one regarding James Cagney, I really do prefer light movies. Are there any Dana Andrews movies that are light or at least have happy endings that you could recommend? I'd be ever so grateful!


  1. Um, I hope you ain't considering stealing Dana away from anybody. Cause Kate TRIED to steal him from me, didn't turn out so good for her! ;-D


    My favorite Dana EVER is "Laura". Although, it is a murder DOES have happy ending! So, really, you should go watch it. IMMEDIATELY.

  2. I second Millie's suggestion. "Laura" is a fantastic movie.

  3. I would have to agree with Millie and nataniel wallace. Laura is a fantastic movie all around!

  4. Wow! There's unanimous for you! Thank you so much for the advice! I will definitely watch "Laura."

    And don't worry Millie. I promise not to steal him!


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