Friday, October 7, 2011

"When the moon is in the sky, tell me what am I to do?"

So, once again I need to congratulate everyone who has correctly guessed the quotes from the past couple of months. So, let's have a round of applause to:

- Amanda Cooper who got: "The way of all flesh, Junior. The way of all flesh..."
- terryhogan who got: "If you like chicken, grab a wing."
- MC and Audrey who got: "We got a lot of votes from the farmers with a picture of a prize heifer."
- amz and emma wallace got: "Think of my life-long sorrow... if you caught pneumonia and died."
- DKoren and Meredith got: "It was written by a Latin, a gondolier who sat in his home out in Brooklyn and gazed at the stars."
- Amanda Cooper, emma wallace, AND Meredith all got: "When I find out what that means, I'll come back with a crushing reply."
- Wendymoon and erin got: "How could ignorance be compared to bliss?"
- Millie got: "In the question, you're the 'why.'"
- Irene Palfry got: "In other words, Miss Jane, you have a bad cold... and a headache."
- Matthew Conlam got: "Did someone call me schnorer?"

Last week's quote: "Testing the air... I like it but it doesn't like me" was from The Philadelphia Story.

This week's quote is: "When the moon is in the sky, tell me what am I to do?"

1 comment:

To reduce comment spammers, I've had to start moderating the comments. Thank you for understanding! I can't wait to approve your comment and engage in classic movie discussion!