Sunday, October 9, 2011

Why, oh why, and wherefore?

Ok. I love this photo. It's a weird photo and no one really looks all that glamorous in it, but that's why I love it. They look like normal people just hanging out. In reality, it's Debbie Reynolds, Russ Tamblyn, Vic Damone (I told you I was obsessed), and Tony Martin hanging out on the set of Hit the Deck. But when I see it, I think of all those silly photos I used to take of my friends in high school. It makes me want to jump back in time to this moment, so I can walk in and just hang out with them. Although, to be honest, I have no idea what Vic Damone is doing with Debbie Reynolds' head...

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Hit The Deck is one of my all time favorites. It's got a carnival attraction, Ann Miller hot to trot, a Navy fleet, a little suspense and, of course, catchy tunes.

    The guys in the photo above are all wearing white pants; I wonder if they are rehearsing for the finale.


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