Monday, February 28, 2011

Who cares if we dance to the beat of a different drum?

I'm sorry I was a little MIA last week. Every time I think I'm finally on top of things, I fall behind. It's a sad, vicious cycle. Ah well.

In the meantime, while I gather myself together for my 100 movies post tomorrow (I'm planning to do it - but then I plan a lot of things!), I wanted to share a new video with you!

I posted this just the other day and, to my excitement, it's really doing well so far! I hope you enjoy it. Let this be my Happy March to you all!


  1. Awesome video, Sally! of these years, I'm gonna try that... make a video, that is!
    Well, hope all is well... oh yes... also... what was the answer to the 'line' a few weeks back about a peanut - or did I miss it? I think you stumped the panel for sure...

    Thanks again for the great video - and KIG, Sally!


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