Monday, December 28, 2009

Tea? Well, isn't it a small world, sir?

Anna at Much Love posted a few questions on her blog (it's a lovely blog, I highly recommend it!) and I thought I'd answer them quickly. Please feel free to consider yourself tagged in this posting and answer the questions yourself. If you do, please leave a comment so I can go read your answers!

one thing that you loved in 2009? Rudolph Valentino, surprisingly. I discovered him while doing research for my independent study on film history. I watched The Sheik on Instant View on Netflix and I was hooked. To be honest, what I love about him isn't even his movies really; I find the phenomenon of him and his appeal incredibly fascinating. There are so many strange facets connected to his popularity that are truly interesting. I'll write a post on him eventually.

one thing you're loving this very moment? Almond Sunset Tea in my brand new yellow tea pot (thanks to my wonderful sister). I worked outside today and all I could think about for around 5 hours straight was how wonderful a hot cup of tea would be (it didn't disappoint).

one thing that you'd love to do next year? go to Brazil. I've been meaning to go for some time. I took a class on Portuguese my last semester and, although I'm far from mastering the language yet, I'm longing to go to Rio.

P.S. I know Christmas is now past but don't forget to vote for your favorite children in a holiday film!


  1. Thank you for doing this post! I really enjoyed reading your answers. Your blog looks wonderful too.


  2. What a great post! Haven't seen Mr. Valentino in anything but he looks quite dashing.
    And I do hope you get your chance to go to Brazil!

  3. What happens if there is a tie?

  4. Anna - Thank you! I love your blog too!

    Emma - Thank you! There are a few Valentino movies I can recommend if you're interested...

    Tom - I don't know what happens! I guess they all win! Unless somebody votes in the next 22 hours and breaks the tie, we can just discuss how wonderful all of the winners are.


To reduce comment spammers, I've had to start moderating the comments. Thank you for understanding! I can't wait to approve your comment and engage in classic movie discussion!