Thursday, March 11, 2010

How do you like my dress?

In honor of Ginger Rogers being TCM's star of the month (which makes me realize that perhaps I should have done female dancers first?), today's fashion spotlight will showcase one of the lovely lady's costumes. Just as I have many favorite Fred and Ginger movies, I also have many favorite Ginger costumes. But, for now, I'll just talk about one of my all-time favorites:

the dress Ginger wears in Swing Time for the "Never Gonna Dance" number. I love this song, this dance, and the dress is simply exquisite. I found a whole bunch of really great photos and I just couldn't narrow it down to two or three so I decided to put them all up here. this way you can see the front, the back, and how the dress falls when she dances (which is really cool!), oh! and there's also a really neat promo shot with the dress, featuring the cape!

The name of that last photo was "Ginger Rogers Majestic." I thought all you Ginger fans out there would enjoy knowing that! I hope these photos have whetted your appetite to see this dress in the film. The photo of the back of the dress makes me want to stop writing and go watch the dance right now! (maybe I will....) Unfortunately, the dance isn't on YouTube but here's the really cute scene where Lucky (Astaire) compliments Penny's (Rogers) dress. And if you haven't already, you really should go watch the movie in its entirety. It's really cute. Unfortunately this post will have just missed TCM's Ginger night, but it's worth renting or getting from the library.


  1. That's one of my favorite Ginger dresses, too :) My all time favorite is the one she wears dancing to Let's Face the Music and Dance in Follow the Fleet!

  2. Psst! You can watch "Never Gonna Dance" online anytime over at Lauren's blog:

    Great choice for your fashion spotlight! This is without a doubt one of Ginger's most beautiful gowns.

  3. Penny, you'll wear the white lame...thats how I see you..." Funny, but, she doesn't wear this the first time they dance at the Silver Sandals ...


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