Friday, March 12, 2010

"They were strawberries! It's been so cold lately, they just turned blue..."

Quote of the week! Name the movie and, if possible, the character. Have fun!

"They were strawberries! It's been so cold lately, they just turned blue..."

*By the way, I had a post all written up and ready to go for Thursday but had to save it as a draft when Blogger kept wanting to publish it early. Then, I forgot to post it up yesterday and I only just realized all this today. So, if you have a chance, go check out yesterday's fashion post. The subject? TCM's star of the month! Thanks!


  1. Oh, I'm sad! This is the first quote I haven't known! I can't wait to learn what the right answer is.

  2. This one is too easy, or maybe I've seen The Sound of Music too many times. Those were the days. I still grin thinking about the Lonely Goatherd number...

  3. the sound of music! i actually knew one :D

  4. gretel said it to captain von trapp, when they lied about where they had been.


To reduce comment spammers, I've had to start moderating the comments. Thank you for understanding! I can't wait to approve your comment and engage in classic movie discussion!