Sunday, April 18, 2010

Art reflects life... that was in a speed test.

So, today, I'm going to do something that smacks of cheating... I'm going to discuss two dancing ladies at the same time! They actually go together really well and my favorite dance happens to feature both of them, so I think it works. So, here they are...

8. Mary Tyler Moore

click on photo for source

7. Julie Andrews

click on photo for source

Favorite dance: the elevator dance in Thoroughly Modern Millie

This makes the second Thoroughly Modern Millie number I've discussed in a week's time, but I don't think anyone will mind. It's a truly marvelous film. And this scene is so funny. I love the way they keep doing these crazy moves, but no one's even watching them (well, except us). It's great. The movie is so stylized and, well, kind of corny - in the very best sense! I had a hard time validating these two on my list, to be honest, because I don't really think of them as dancers. But "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" wouldn't be quite the same without Mary Poppins kicking up her heels and several episodes of the Dick van Dyke show deal with Laura's dancing talent. Then I remembered this scene and knew that I had to put these two on my list because this scene is quite wonderful and I think it ties in very neatly with the dancing ladies theme, don't you agree?


  1. I love that sequence! Thoroughly Modern Millie has such a silly plot, but the dances are great and I love the main song. Thanks for posting this :)

  2. What a great clip! Now I'm convinced that I have to see this movie.

    Wonderful choices!

  3. LOVE this scene! Mary Tyler Moore is just amazing. Love her in this and Ordinary People--which is probably a film that's the exact opposite of Thorougly Modern Millie, lol.


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